HELP! I think my employee’s under the influence: The Do’s and Don’ts of Reasonable Suspicion
When it comes to handling suspicions of an employee’s alcohol or other drug use, many employers wonder, “How do I approach this employee? Do I have reason enough to test? What if I’m wrong?” This protocol package will help you develop procedures to objectify and document your suspicions and respond quickly and consistently.
What others are saying ...
"We use the video included in the reasonable suspicion protocol package to train our supervisors. The information is so concise and easy to understand. The handouts included in the protocol package are also a great quick reference guide to reinforce what they need to do if they believe someone is under the influence of a drug or there is a potential safety risk. I’ve heard from many of our supervisors that they feel better prepared to handle this type of situation. Thanks for creating this tool!” -Sheryl W., Fox Contractors Corporation
“It's not every day that you think an employee could be misusing a drug. So having the video and tools from the reasonable suspicion protocol package are an excellent addition to our supervisor training as it helps folks feel better prepared and know they have resources to help walk them through what to do if the issue arises.” - Dave L., Hamilton Caster
"I picked up the reasonable suspicion protocol package because I thought it would have useful information. Boy, was I right! Besides being very thorough and easy to understand, the flow charts and tips for handling these situations are gems. I can't wait to share this with others in my organization so we can explore implementing this information to benefit our employees, their families and the company.” – Jeanette L., Scioto County Community Action Organization
*This Protocol Package is NOT INTENDED for Working Partners® clients who have our Premium Policy, as your policy/program documents already contain the resources provided in these packages.
**Protocol Packages are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal or medical advice. It should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a legal or medical professional or other competent advisors. Please contact a licensed attorney to obtain advice with respect to any legal issue regarding utilizing this package or regarding any situation that's specific to your business.
Keywords: HR, Policy, Drug, Drug free, substance, Substance free, supervisor, Employee, Alcohol, marijuana, Prescription, Compliance, Employee Under Influence Course
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HELP! I think my employee’s under the influence: The Do’s and Don’ts of Reasonable Suspicion

When it comes to handling suspicions of an employee’s alcohol or other drug use, many employers wonder, “How do I approach this employee? Do I have reason enough to test? What if I’m wrong?” This protocol package will help you develop procedures to objectify and document your suspicions and respond quickly and consistently.
*This Protocol Package is NOT INTENDED for Working Partners® clients who have our Premium Policy, as your policy/program documents already contain the resources provided in this package.
**Protocol Packages are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal or medical advice. It should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a legal or medical professional or other competent advisors. Please contact a licensed attorney to obtain advice with respect to any legal issue regarding utilizing this package or regarding any situation that's specific to your business.