Drug-Free Compliance: Employee Essentials [Updated 2015]
- the impact of substance abuse on an employee and their workplace
- specific dynamics about commonly abused drugs
- the signs, symptoms & progression of the disease of addiction
- the process & reliability of drug/alcohol testing
- how employees’ rights are protected
- the specifics of seeking assistance and appropriate resources
- includes supplemental materials and resources for additional information
Keywords: Drug, Drug free, substance, Substance free, supervisor, Employee, Alcohol, marijuana, Prescription, Compliance, Drug-Free 101: Workplace Training for Employees
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Drug-Free Compliance: Employee Essentials [Updated 2015]
A Drug-Free Workplace Program is intended to keep employees safe and prevent loss for the company. Education and Training is key to a successful program.
This course helps the attendee/employee understand:
■ the impact of substance abuse on an employee and theirworkplace
■ specific dynamics about commonly abused drugs
■ the signs, symptoms & progression of the disease of addiction
■ the process & reliability of drug/alcohol testing
■ how employees’ rights are protected
■ the specifics of seeking assistance and appropriate resources
■ includes supplemental materials and resources for additional information
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